Shalom Community Impact Center is pleased to offer Community Based English Learning. Limited English speaking skills is one of the biggest barriers refugees and immigrants face in education and employment, and one of the biggest barriers to upward mobility. SCIC CBESL Program is an entry-level program for adult refugees and immigrants at the beginner level. Our program uses the Co-Teacher method. This unique approach provides CBESL students with a co-teacher from their community who speaks their language, understands their culture, and is aware of the barriers students face with accessing community resources. During class, co-teachers assist with delivering class material, help facilitate communication between students and the lead teacher, and offer feedback to assure class activities are relevant, effective, and culturally appropriate. Co-teachers also help spread the word about classes throughout the community and keep in touch with students outside the classroom. This aids in student retention and success.
Classes are held two days per week, twice per day: Monday and Tuesday each morning and evening. We are working to get childcare to help remove barriers to participation for parents and child caretakers in the community.